About Us

T.A. Hamilton appeared at our annual event six straight years. He is a very strong family entertainer. Our diverse group loves his down home demeanor and his funny bone. He always has a quick joke or comment that makes his audience die laughing while protecting the dignity of his volunteer. Everybody wins and has a great time. We will use him whenever he is available.

Special Thanks for our Music Compilation goes out to Louis Armstrong (When You’re Smil’n), Steve Wariner (Kansas City Lights) and our own Hamilton Digital Design Studios with the incredible Rock ‘N Roll Carnival in house who recorded our Theme Music (Hamilton Appears)! A Tip of the Old Top Hat goes out to each and every one. We’re sure our visitors will enjoy these special tunes! All Copyrights are owned by their respective artists.

© Copyright 2009 – 2014 TAHMP All Rights Reserved
for license inquiries, please contact our offices”